How to explain and implement risk management fast and easily, right now
An operational risk management training course
Do you need to quickly implement risk management, but also explain it to others in your organization? It can be a daunting task. Now there’s an online risk management course that breaks down concepts to their simplest form so that you can first understand.
A course that also explores the intricacies of operational risk management so you can implement it across various situations and audiences.
You’ll be able to get started with your risk management program right away and execute quickly. Put actions in place now to meet your organizations objectives and avoid crisis in the future.
The Savvy Risk Manager Operational Risk Management Course
An online program to help you explain risk management to a larger audience, incorporate it into your best practices, and/or roll out a risk program for your organization.
This course is for you if:
You have been tasked to explain risk management to a larger audience.
You need to incorporate risk management into your organizations best practices, and/or roll out a risk program.
You would like to feel comfortable talking about risk management and encourage others to do the same.
You need tools to start implementing risk management immediately.
Want a variety of ways to learn about risk management including case studies, interviews and discussions, and reflection on how the concepts apply to your own situation.
This course will help you:
Create a richer, more forward-thinking conversations.
Create a corporate culture focused on problem-solving and opportunities.
Encourage an environment that maximizes efficiency with limited resources
Gain confidence to explain risk principles to others.
Incorporate risk processes & policies into your best practices
Create buy-in to next steps across the entire organization.
What you get:
Videos you can watch from anywhere in the world at any time to develop risk management processes that meet you and your organization where you’re at.
Proven and actionable strategies to understand the intricacies of risk management so you can implement it across various situations and audiences.
An action plan to progress your risk management practices as they mature.
An option to work with Sheri to answer your questions and provide you with any support that you may need throughout the entire process
“Sheri obviously has deep expertise and experience in risk management as a discipline and is able to convey the technical aspects in simple straight-forward language. What sets Sheri apart, is her facilitation skills which allows her to present the material in a way that participants can personally relate to and engage with – rather than being purely an information dump.”
— Michelle Gibson, Manager, Financial Policies & Internal Controls, Canadian Blood Services
Operational Risk Management Course Curriculum
Let’s Talk Risk
I Want a New Place to Live
Risk Planning
The Risk Process Overview
Risk ID Overview
The Risk Interview Guide
The Risk Interview Debrief
Real-Life Risk Interview
What the Bleep Just Happened
Risk Taxonomies
Crafting Risk Statements
Risk Drivers and Risk Statements – New Place to Live
Real-life Risk Analysis - OFB
Risk Assessment Overview
The Missing Pieces
Real- Life Consequences & Controls (OFB)
Risk Scales and Heat Map
Quantification of Risk
Risk Response & Monitoring Tips & Tools
Risk Response and Monitoring Questions
Real-Life Risk Maturity
The Easiest Way to Learn and Implement Risk Management
This program gives a grounding in risk management. It is not a series of presentations that you listen to, these will only be used to convey key concepts. While the intricacies of risk management are many and it can take a lifetime to perfect, there are many principles that can be learnt and implemented right away.
My name is Sheri Hord. I own a consultancy practice, Facilitating Results, that develops strategy and risk management solutions in a collaborative manner, allowing my clients to achieve better outcomes on their own.
I have facilitated hundreds of risk workshops and strategy sessions and heard participants’ confusion around these topics. They had been taught the most complicated concepts, leaving them feeling frustrated and lost on where to begin. Risk management is not a one-size fits all, but it does serve everyone.
Combining my almost thirty years experience as a Chartered Accountant, with certifications in facilitation, adult education, and conflict resolution, I can show you how to develop risk management processes that meet you and your organization where you are at.